Sustainable Leadership is achieved through the acquisition of skills and experiences
2015 is the year of fast forward. As a Leader in your organization, do you have the right tools in your toolbox? It is essential for sustainability as well as your ongoing success. Organizer Leaders who have Successfully Sustained in this business environment have these skill sets in their toolbox…
The ability to Managing Changing Expectations
Effective Communication … verbal and written
Know their Leadership Style and share it with their workforce
Understanding the HR Cycle of Hiring, Developing and Exit strategies
Are Proactive in inclusive Problem Solving and Decision Making
Engage their workforce in good Fiscal Management and Cost of Poor Quality
Advocate Diversity and Inclusion
Are engaged Coaches and Mentors
Have a Winning Presentation Style
Master Time Management
Setting Performance Metrics for everyone including themselves
Invite discussion on Enterprise Risk Management and Organization Maturity
Facilitating Effective Meetings
Negotiation and Influencing
Understand the Controllables in your Environment
Are involved in Building the Business Case for Sustainable Success
Managing the internal challenges of organization transformation
Facilitating Strategic Alignment and Deployment
Building the Business Case for Continuous Improvement
Enterprise Risk Management and Organization Maturity
Identify Critical Paths
Effectively Communicating Your Message