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Lean Business Leader and Entrepreneur (Online)

Lean Business Leader and Entrepreneur (Online)

Advanced Entrepreneurship Course:

This excursion focuses on the Entrepreneur in today’s Business Environment who must be able to speak the language of your corporate and government clients in order to close the deal and sustain the relationship.

Designed with a foundation of Lean Six Sigma, our Entrepreneur Students will build their capacity and sustainable success as topics shared include…
•Interpreting "The Voice" of the Customer and the Business
•Understanding your company’s maturity and capability levels
•Time and Resource Management: The Cost of Waste
•Supply and Demand Forecast Modeling
•Building and Marketing your Brand for the “YES”

 The Intended Outcome:
 *Innovative strategies for improving businesses of any size or
*Exposure to the universe of process and performance improvement
*Practical business management tools that can be used in any
business decision scenario
*Building and/or expanding your vocabulary to converse “fluently”
with your customers
*Certificate of Completion as a Lean Entrepreneur

This highly interactive course will be facilitated using a business case to create a real world, real time experience. Students will experience the dynamics of working with high impact teams, experiencing the outcomes of improved internal processes that translate to better service customers. You will also present your results in the new language throughout the course.
  • Details

    The Course timeframe is 2 days.

    Course Materials include...
    *A three ring binder with course materials
    *USB Flash Drive containing the "Toolbox" 29 worksheets and templates

    Note: Software used is QiMacros which is not included in the tuition.

    Candidates must be in business at least 5 years with minimum annual revenues of at least $500,000.

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